Author Guidelines

MEDINA: Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan dan Perkotaan is a scientific publication that contains articles on current issues in the field of administration and management. In order for the articles presented to be accepted and published, authors must follow writing guidelines that are in accordance with academic standards. The following are the writing guidelines for the Journal of Contemporary Administration and Management that must be considered by the authors:

  1. Article format

Articles presented must be written in Indonesian or English with A4 paper format, single spacing, 2.54 cm margins on each side, and Times New Roman font with font size 10.

  1. Article structure

The article should have a clear structure and consist of the following parts:

  • Title: The title of the article should be short, clear, and reflect the content of the article.
  • Authors: Full author name along with affiliation and email address.
  • Abstract: The abstract should include the background, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions of the article. The abstract should be written in English, with a maximum length of 250 words.
  • Keywords: Keywords should contain important terms used in the article, with a maximum number of 5 keywords.
  • Introduction: The introduction should contain the background of the problem, the purpose of the research, and the formulation of the problem.
  • Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework should include an understanding of the theories related to the issues raised.
  • Methodology: The methodology should include an explanation of the research design, population and sample, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques.
  • Research Results: The research results should contain the main findings obtained from the research.
  • Discussion: The discussion should include the analysis and interpretation of the research results as well as its relation to the theoretical framework discussed earlier.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion should include a summary of the research results and their important implications.
  • References: References should include the sources used in the article, using a citation system and bibliography in accordance with academic standards (Mendeley).
  1. Citations and Bibliography

Citations must follow the citation system used by the Journal of Contemporary Administration and Management, which is the IEEE citation system. The bibliography must contain all sources used in the article, using a writing system in accordance with academic standards (Mendeley).

  1. Writing Ethics

       The article presented must reflect good writing ethics, including not committing plagiarism, listing correct and clear sources, and maintaining research integrity.

       By following the writing guidelines in accordance with academic standards, it is hoped that the articles presented can be accepted and published by MEDINA: Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan dan Perkot. In addition, authors can also benefit from the publication of their articles, such as improving academic reputation and contributing to the development of science. Therefore, the authors are expected to pay close attention to these writing guidelines and follow the applicable academic standards.